Enigmatical started as a instrumental project by an unearthly entity to bring a fusion of electronic music and extreme metal in a way that hasn't been done before.
The debut EP "Transmission I" was released in October 2018, and while being a number-one hit in Zeta Reticuli, earthlings could not understand the telepathic information provided by the entity.
"Fusing industrial black metal riffing with sweeping electronic landscapes, Enigmatical aims to create a familiar yet unique listening experience.
The lyrical concept takes us through a dark multiverse from the perspective of interdimensional entities, dwelling within the dark energy among us."
The second trilogy "Transmission II" was released on August 16 2019 and
offered a more riff-heavy affair then its predecessor, while the
electronic influences are still heavily present. The fusion of black
metal and electronica also borrowed from melodeath & industrial
music and was well-received by its listeners.
Some human statements include =
"After the introduction sample of "We Are The Demons" that depicts Aliens walking among us following first contact with a past space program, a thunderous Black Metal onslaught of stompy marching drum patterns, riffs and synths builds the layers of darkness to create a sonic storm"
"Transmission II is not your avarage Black Metal album, it haunts in its own way to penetrate through the listener's defenses, and into its thought patterns. Its sort of an unsolved mystery and I bet that it would take you more than a single listen in order to actually comprehend what it stands for"
The final part of the "Transmission trilogy" was released on October 30, 2020. Being the most urgent and aggressive release of the 3, while the electronics still raged with full capacity! Now we await the remixed and remasted compilation, to be released on all digital platforms aswell as a limited digipak in the near future!
Enigmatical are (from left to right) =
The Voice: Vocals
The Entity: Guitars, bass, electronics, programming